Goals Are Overrated: Here’s Why Habits Matter More for Young Adults

By Jack Vaughan

In an era of TikTok self-help gurus and viral productivity planers, we live in a time where goal-setting is more popular than ever before. However, a growing body of research shows that our obsession with goals, and our approaches to goal-setting, are inadvertently undermining young adult success. Studies from behavioral psychology labs across the country have revealed that our traditional approaches to young adult achievement—encouraging them to set ambitious goals and harness the willpower to reach them—often leads to disappointment and disengagement.

The problem isn't with ambition itself, but with a fundamental misunderstanding of how lasting change occurs.

10 Science-backed Reasons Why Goals Aren’t All That Great

  1. Pursuing goals rapidly depletes willpower resources, leading to decision fatigue and reduced self-control (Baumeister, Self-Control Study, 2018).

  2. Goal-focus creates tunnel vision, reducing adaptability and creative problem-solving (Harvard Decision Science Lab, 2021).

  3. Motivation related to goals fluctuates significantly, while habitual behaviors remain stable (Stanford Neuroscience, 2022).

  4. Ambitious goals often trigger unrealistic expectations, leading to disappointment and abandonment (University of Toronto, 2020).

  5. Research on hedonic adaptation reveals that achieving goals provides only temporary satisfaction (Princeton Well-being Lab, 2023).

  6. 92% of goals fail due to lack of systematic implementation strategies (American Psychological Association, 2021).

  7. Goal pursuit activates stress pathways more intensely than habit formation (UCLA Neurology, 2022).

  8. Goal-setting promotes all-or-nothing thinking patterns that increase risk of giving up (Columbia Psychology, 2021).

  9. Goal-focused individuals rely more heavily on external validation, reducing internal motivation (MIT Behavioral Lab, 2023).

  10. Conscious goal pursuit requires significantly more mental resources than habitual behaviors (Cambridge Neuroscience, 2022).

In the words of Mark Manson, “Goals are a one-time bargain, [whereas] the only goal of habits is that the goal is never over, it’s a simple daily or weekly repetition that one does until muscle memory and brain chemistry kick in…”

Ultimately, goals tend to stem from the person we want to be, rather than the person we are. For better, and sometimes for worse, habits stem from the person we actually are.

What Makes Habits so Powerful?

  1. A longitudinal study from Harvard's Human Development Lab tracked young adults over five years, finding that those who prioritized habit formation over goal achievement showed greater persistence in desired behaviors and reported higher levels of life satisfaction.

  2. Research from MIT's McGovern Institute for Brain Research reveals that habitual behaviors eventually become automated, requiring minimal conscious effort or willpower.

  3. Research from Stanford's Behavioral Design Lab shows that the brain's reward systems respond more positively to consistent small wins than to major achievements.

  4. Research from the University of Pennsylvania's Character Lab indicates that young adults who focus on building sustainable habits show significantly better outcomes than those who pursue specific achievement targets.

  5. Neuroimaging studies have demonstrated that habit formation creates lasting changes in neural pathways, while goal-pursuit activities often show temporary spikes in brain activity followed by rapid decline. This biological reality helps explain why New Year's resolutions—typically framed as goals rather than habits—have a documented failure rate exceeding 80%.

Goals Aren’t All Bad

The relationship between goals and habits doesn’t have to be adversarial. Recent research from the University of California's Motivation Lab suggests that goals function as useful north stars for habit formation, provided they're properly calibrated. The key lies in what researchers term "habit-aligned goal setting"—creating objectives that emphasize consistent behaviors rather than specific outcomes.

Consider the difference between a traditional goal ("lose 10 pounds") and a habit-focused approach ("exercise for 20 minutes daily"). While both might lead to similar outcomes, the habit-based strategy shows significantly higher success rates and, crucially, better long-term retention of results. While goals provide direction, habits are what get us there; or, to put it another way, habits are the only road we can travel to get to our goals.

Why Values Matter

Talk to any young person and it’s not hard to get a sense of their goals; however, one of the biggest traps that I’ve seen young people fall into is that they end up pursuing goals that have next to nothing to do with their core values. Whether we set goals or not, we cannot ignore the gravity of our values—move toward them and we feel good, move away from them and we feel an ominous gnawing in our gut.

At this point, I’m sure it’s obvious why habits are superior to goals, but values are arguably superior to both. If young people don’t move in the direction of their values, and make them a part of their habit-aligned goal setting process, then they are ultimately going to chart a course in the wrong direction.

I’ve seen countless young people who value things like independence / helping people / making an impact on the world, etc. take “safe jobs” in “lucrative industries” that they come to deeply resent because they thought that money and security alone would be enough.

Key Takeaways

  1. Don’t let your young adult fall for the allure of shiny goals. Remind your young adult that goals are destinations. As awe-inspiring and as enticing as the mountain may seem, it needs to be located in the mountain range of their values, not someone else’s.

  2. Habit-aligned goal setting is the key to building sustainable progress. Encourage your young adult to focus on consistent behaviors rather than specific outcomes.

  3. Small wins are the key to major triumphs. Little wins, every day are the best recipe for young people to follow when it comes to building the momentum required for positive habits take root.

A Helpful Resource

At YPM, our team has extensive experience successfully guiding adolescents, young adults and their families through the modern landscape of emerging adulthood. Spanning four continents, our work has helped hundreds of teens, and their families, connect with professional youth mentors and expert clinicians whom they can relate to and learn from.

Our highly skilled mentors are experts at helping their young adult clients curate habit-aligned goals, foster value-driven progress, and activate their potential. With our bespoke approach and discreet care, we can help your struggling loved one mitigate their self-destructive habits and replace them with healthy alternatives. Connect with us today to learn more about how we can help your teen achieve enduring wellness on their own terms and in their own communities.


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